Congratulations Class of 2024!

As I straighten up my files and dust myself off for next fall’s applicants, I’d like to take a moment to celebrate the hard work and achievements of this year’s senior class. Your freshman year was upended by COVID, and for many of you that took your education and social connections to places that you couldn’t have predicted. There has been a lot of tumult and uncertainty, but also perseverance, resilience, and always an abundance of good humor. Don’t lose that!

This year I got to read about how to slide down a glacier to safety and bounce back from devasting injury in PE; how to find a new sense of self in a black belt and lose one’s self-protective reflex in writing a novel; how to embrace one’s inner Survivor contestant in the school cafeteria and one’s inner goofball on the first day of classes. A physics whiz learned how to get it wrong and an ace parallel-parker maneuvered into the perfect spot. Every essay was a pleasure to see develop and come to fruition, and looking back, I’m reminded how lucky I am to work with so many talented young people at this pivotal stage of their lives.

Thank you, students and parents, for trusting me and trusting the writing process. I wish you all many more exciting adventures of growth and self-discovery in the years to come!! Bravo to you all!


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